Thursday, June 25, 2009

For Today

I've been tagged by my bestest friend (via her blog) to do this so here we go...

Outside my a sunny and HOT day.

I am thinking...that it's too damned hot.

I am thankful for...central air.

From the kitchen...clean dishes in the drainer and boxes of Lucky Charms on the counter.

I am husband's cast-off Philadelphia Flyers T-shirt and raggedy teal-colored shorts.

I am creating...sweat and carbon dioxide.

I am going...nowhere for the remainder of the day.

I am reading...It's Only Too Late if You Don't Start Now by Barbara Sher.

I am hoping...that it cools down soon.

I am hearing...the Brazil/South Africa soccer match on TV.

Around the house...cats and cat hair.

One of my favorite things...central air. [Sensing a pattern, are you?]

A few plans for the rest of the week...watching sports, taking Willow to the vet, doing some yardwork (if it cools down), doing laundry.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Patriot Games

This year, the Chamber of Commerce in my city has decided to cancel the July 4 fireworks display, citing rising costs - both financial and in volunteer time. Judging from the letters in the paper, you would think the Chamber had changed its name to Al Qaeda/Benedict Arnold/Puppy Beaters. Ye gods, people are freaking out, throwing around words like "unpatriotic." WTF?

I'm fed up to the point that I'm planning to send the following letter to the paper...

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been reading the letters decrying the lack of a July 4 fireworks display. Appalling! Shocking! Unpatriotic!

I’ve given this some thought, and one question comes to mind: Are you people serious?

By definition, "patriotism" means "love for or devotion to one’s country" or "devoted love, support and defense of one’s country; national loyalty." In my opinion, setting off fireworks celebrates America about as much as going to a holiday sale at Sears celebrates Memorial Day. It has absolutely no relevance.

Instead of sitting on your rump for a half hour watching sparkly lights, DO something that actively honors that for which America stands. Put together a block party for your neighborhood. Visit with a veteran and thank him or her for serving our country. Adopt a stretch of highway and collect trash. Donate time or money to our national neighbors when disaster strikes. Teach English as a second language to people who want to be successful and productive members of this country. Exercise your privilege to vote. Go to your place of worship and be grateful that you’re allowed freedom of religion. Commend our City leaders for being good stewards of our resources by cutting unnecessary expenses (like fireworks displays). Show your devotion to the country every day, not just during one fleeting event at the beginning of July. I agree that gathering as a community is important as it shows unity and communal pride - can’t this be accomplished without benefit of pyrotechnics?

For the folks who enjoy the fireworks displays, I can understand and sympathize with your disappointment; I’m sure the break in this long-standing tradition is quite upsetting to you. But please take a deep breath, gain some perspective, and cease viewing the City/Chamber as a modern-day Benedict Arnold.