Thursday, January 22, 2009


My best friend hath commanded me, via her blog, to share 16 things about myself. So here we go...

1. I could eat beef jerky every day for the rest of my life. I love the stuff. Seriously. If someone attempted to take jerky from me, I would totally punch him/her in the throat.

2. I am a supertaster (have more than the usual number of taste buds on my tongue).

3. I received a standing ovation in high school for a saxophone solo.

4. I have never seen The Wizard of Oz or It's a Wonderful Life.

5. If I had lived in Ancient Egypt, I would've been a priestess of Bast.

6. I was going to be named John, after my father, had I been a boy.

7. I've had messages on my answering machine from Luke Perry and Jennie Garth.

8. A poem I wrote about the MN North Star hockey team was read on the air by the North Star's play-by-play announcer during the broadcast of a game.

9. I wish I could've met Joseph Campbell before he died.

10. I am phobic about deep water.

11. I've had sunfish nibble on me, more than once.

12. If I became a professional vocalist, I would sing torch songs.

13. I'm addicted to magazines.

14. I handled samples of sputum, blood, urine, and semen during my employment at a hospital - as a secretary.

15. I still have my tonsils and my wisdom teeth.

16. I never walk beneath ladders and I always toss salt over my shoulder if I spill it.

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